Insider Exchange

Disclosing CE – A Question of Ethics for Jewelers and Diamond Dealers

Recently, ABC News reported a jeweler getting busted for selling a CE diamond but not properly disclosing the treatment to the customer. It’s interesting to see how some salespeople sell a Clarity Enhanced stone but don’t explain what it is.
Polygon Member 152269


Main crime here is the fast talk. The paperwork they gave with the rings all disclosed the treatment. Why can't folks be straight? Bottom line for the consumer is they got what they paid for.
Polygon Member 78683

Many of those who sell clarity enhanced diamonds are selling them with the cert that states clarity on the cert as if the stone is natural. This is a borderline fraudulent practice and should be stopped by the lab and/or those who sell it. Simply adding in comments “clarity enhanced” to the comments is not helping – Appearance and clarity are not the same.
Polygon Member 78683

1987 was the year that fracture filling hit the news big. There is NO EXCUSE for anyone even remotely connected to this trade to NOT know what this it. A part of polishing that lunacy.
Polygon Member 330

What you guys simply want to overlook, these are genuine human beings, with savings, lives... and feelings, expenses, etc. I had a woman in a week ago with a 2ct lasered stone. It was NOT disclosed when sold and she WAY overpaid. Her life was shattered, going through a divorce, down to her few last things...only to find out she was defrauded by her "trusted jeweler."
I just read an article about silver markings in the 1700’s through mid 1800's. A silversmith was regarded as one of those with the highest standards in town... there were no XRF machines... and you had the jewelers word on what he sold. If your word was no good, you were out of business.
Too bad that our trade is now ranked somewhere between timeshare salesmen and strip club operators. Very sad. We can only blame these poor attitudes about how this affects people's future consideration of what they will spend their hard earned money on. MY client will probably think twice about buying a diamond, or worse... just go to a company like Bluenile where she won't be shafted by those that look the other way.
Polygon Member 1332

Sometimes I think that the fraudsters actually makes the trusted jeweler more trusted, if that makes sense. In other words, I think it makes your loyal clients more reluctant to go elsewhere after seeing these shows. But you guys are right, these idiots continue to mislead the public. Why not be straight with people? " This pretty 1Ct is $3,000 but is treated. Or, this GIA stone is $7,000 and is natural. Both are beautiful, which do you feel would be best for you?" As a choice, no one is going to lose a sale. So why not tell the truth? Just stupid and greedy.
Polygon Member 78683

Agreed. I sold a client a 3ct CE round that is amazing, eye clean, very pretty. She is just "smoking" in real estate right now, and wants to trade the CE stone for a non-CE stone –add a bunch of $$$. I have no issue with selling treated stones. I have an issue with people that think it is OK to sneak it past the unknowing. In 2013, your deceptive practices can travel the globe in seconds; an Asian in NYC getting "taken" will be sure to let their tour operator and everyone else know that they were screwed by a NYC jeweler. I would be worried about it because it affects the industry as a whole.
Polygon Member 1332

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